Thursday, June 2, 2011

me, me, me.

before you i was lost, with nothing to live for any more,
you came along and i had hope, i had fun and i was happy,
now, now it's so hard, i love you but you don't seem to want me like you used to...
i want it to be me, me, me, but it just seems to be her, her, her.
i live for you, you're part of me, but you live for something or maybe someone else.
i guess this is karma, i did a bad thing so i will have a bad thing done to me.
i can't help but think this is ending, but when i mention it you say no.
all i want is to be with you, if you have to be with her aswell then ok, just don't leave me.
i can't be without you, i will put up with anything to be with you.
i love you, and will to the day i die. no matter what this world holds for us i'll be yours even if you're not mine.
so from now till forever, i will love you.
i'll wait for you. even if my world comes crashing down.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

unknown hurt.

betrayed by what you thought was good,
a night for which the memory stick,
trying to ignore all you thought you saw,
but in the end it all is pain,
gone has the problem,
the solution yet to come,
take this away,
let me become who i was before.