Sunday, January 31, 2010

no title

Why does this always happen? Every time i talk to you.
It's almost as it was before, that night. That was one f the best days of my life.
On that huge stage in front of all those people, then sitting in the stands and watching the ending.
Something about it sticks in my memories, no matter how much i try to erase them they just stay, they won't leave no matter how much i try.
The memories won't leave me, but you did?
How come i can't let the memories of you go?
I know you will never read this but i still miss you.

flash, flash, flash the line that i will continue to type on has that line that flashes expecting more words there are so many i could write but i won't.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

metaphors are fun!

Today, i opened my cupboard. I was hungry. And I looked in side. noodles. There OK but a bit bland. I knew there was enough stuff in the fridge to make salad but it's just so much effort so that idea was dismissed. There was pop corn all I had to do was open it and put it in the microwave........maybe. Then the Weetbix jumped out at me, as they do every day. Then I decided I wanted some ice cream, I open the freezer, guess what I can't have ice cream there is none. So now I'm stuck i can't have ice cream and there is always the pop corn but I'm not sure if i want that........I'll tell you when i decide.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


people are confusing ever tried to understand one?
even trying to understand your self is impossibe.
so how the hell are we ment to find out whats going on when there is no talking?

Monday, January 4, 2010

i don't know

every felt so confused you have no idea what to do any more?
that's how i feel right now, it's odd i've always known.
always had a reason, an answer but now i just don't know anymore?
do i go left or right?
do i wait for it to go back to normal?
do i just decided and hope i'm right???
i don't know...